Around the different routes that go to Santiago de Compostela, there is a surprising number of myths, legends

and stories that are part of the tradition of the Camino. Many of them come from centuries ago and have been repeated from generation to generation in order to preserve the culture of the Camino.

One of these legends that are an essential part of the Camino, especially in the Navarran city of Nájera, where it took place. While some details remain uncertain because the story has been told for so long, the legend generally remains on the same basis.

The challenge of the Giant Ferragut

Legend has it that Ferragut was a Muslim giant of Syrian origin, lord of the Castle of Nájera, who was known for his unmatched strength and incredible battle skills, this combination was that they made him practically indestructible.

On the other hand, a Franco knight named Roldán was heading with his Christian knights towards the city of Santiago de Compostela in order to complete his pilgrimage, when they were challenged by Ferragut to a battle.

Roldán immediately accepted, and both engaged in a strong battle, even Roldán’s knights participated, without even managing to hurt the giant. Ferragut’s strength and experience made them unable to defend themselves against his attacks.

Alternate versions

It is just at this point that two sides of the story appear, but always with the same ending, the defeat and murder of the giant by Roldán.

One of the versions tells that Ferragut when seeing the poise of Roldán offered to spare his life if he decided to desist from the battle, to which the knight flatly refused. After two days of relentless battle, the exhausted giant fell asleep on top of Roldán, who upon discovering that the only vulnerable point of his enemy was the navel, took a dagger and stabbed him, killing him.

The other version tells that after a long battle, both sides decided to take a truce, and in a moment of camaraderie, Ferragut confessed to Roldán that his weak point was in the navel. Once the truce was over and the fight resumed, Roldán remembered the giant’s confession, and took the moment to stab him with a dagger and murder him.

This legend has gained such importance on the Camino that in the Palace of the Kings of Navarra You can find a capital in which this fight is represented. If you have been interested in this story, during your visit you will love to hear the different legends that add wealth to the Camino.

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